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10 June 2020 - 12 June 2020
Online event, Italy
Cluster-to-Cluster Meeting & Innovat&Match Brokerage Event

Ulla Engelmann is the Head of Unit in DG GROW, the Directorate General being responsible for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, at the European Commission. Her portfolio covers Social Economy, European Cluster Policy, Skills for industry, as well as specific aspects of Advanced Technologies including Intelligent Cities Challenge. In a previous function, her unit was responsible for women entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. She worked at the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the in-house science service of European Commission, for many years in different functions. She started in the JRC in Ispra (Italy) in 1993 as a post-doc in fusion research, and moved on to manage various units (communication, international relations, and others) in Ispra and Brussels. Dr. Engelmann holds a PhD in analytical and radiochemistry completed at the National Research Centre in Karlsruhe.

Closed since 8 June 2020
This is an Online event
Organised by
Participants 659
Meetings 1138
Italy 305
Türkiye 94
Romania 40
Spain 36
France 26
Portugal 19
Poland 18
Hungary 17
Belgium 16
Germany 15
Bulgaria 15
Ukraine 10
Greece 10
Sweden 8
Slovenia 7
Ireland 6
Austria 5
United Kingdom 4
Morocco 3
Denmark 3
Finland 2
Netherlands 2
Croatia 2
Canada 2
Egypt 2
Moldova, Republic Of 2
Bosnia And Herzegovina 2
Chile 1
Norway 1
Lithuania 1
United States 1
Latvia 1
Serbia 1
Czech Republic 1
Tunisia 1
Lebanon 1
Estonia 1
Russia 1
Peru 1
Mexico 1
Algeria 1
Reunion 1
Total 686
Company 246
Cluster Organisation 189
Start-up 66
University 39
Other 36
Laboratory 28
Association/Agency 24
R&D Institution /Research Centre 22
Innovation Promotion Agency 21
Public Authority / Government 15
Total 686
Profile views
Before event 37787
After event 4536
Total 42323